PotSplitter Help and FAQ


How do I register/create an account ?

You don't have to register nor create an account to start using PotSplitter! Just visite the create new PotSplitter page and get going!

Do I have to provide my email when creating a PotSplitter ?

No, you don't have to. Providing your email is optional. You email is only used to send you a confirmation message with access information.

How can I edit a transaction ?

You cannot edit transactions for now, you'll have to add a new transaction and delete the old one.

How can I delete a transaction ?

To delete a transaction use the - button on the right of the wanted transaction. Note that you must be an admin of the PotSplitter to delete transactions.

How can I edit my PotSplitter ?

To edit your PotSplitter's base information, use your admin-link and click the "view/edit base information" link in the admin tools panel.

How can I delete my PotSplitter ?

You cannot delete a PotSplitter right now.

Is there a mobile (iPhone) version of PotSplitter ?

Not yet, but we're working on it ;-).

How can I contact you ?

Please visit the contact page if you want to get in touch with us.

How/why XYZ ?

Please visit the contact page for any questions you might have that are not answered on this page.